Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

I wanted a Jamba Juice but I was:

  1. Too lazy to drive to Jamba Juice.
  2. Didn’t want all the sugar they put in it.
  3. I had the ingredients I needed to make one at home.

So I grabbed what I had on hand and made a guilt-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan version of a Strawberry-Banana Smoothie. So refreshing and so deliciously sweet.


  • 4 strawberries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2 packets of Stevia (or 2/3 tsp)
  • A splash of almond milk (or coconut milk or any kind of milk)
  • 1 cup of ice
  1. Crush and mix in a blender or use a hand blender or a Magic Bullet.
  2. Serve in a margarita glass with a straw.
  3. Turn on some Hawaiian tunes and lay out by the pool. 🙂

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